Webhooks are an important part of your payment integration. They allow Etegram notify you about events that happen on your account, such as a successful payment or a failed transaction.
EtegramPay supports webhooks to notify your server of payment events in real-time. This allows you to handle post-payment actions such as updating payment status.
With webhooks, our server sends updates to your server when the status of your request changes. The change in status of a request is known as an event. You’ll typically listen to these events on a POST endpoint called your webhook URL
Setting Up Your Webhook URL
A webhook URL is simply a POST endpoint that our server sends payment status updates to. The URL needs to parse a JSON request and return a 200 OK.
You can add your webhook URL on your Etegram business dashboard. Go to settings on the sidebar, click on the API & Webhooks, ensure you add your webhook url to both live and test mode.
// Using Express
app.post("/my/webhook/url", function(req, res) {
// Retrieve the request's body
const event = req.body;
// Do something with event
// Assuming this script is saved as webhook.php
// Retrieve the request body
$requestBody = file_get_contents('php://input');
// Decode the JSON payload (if it's JSON)
$event = json_decode($requestBody, true);
// Do something with the $event data
// For example, you could log it:
file_put_contents('webhook_log.txt', print_r($event, true), FILE_APPEND);
// Respond with a 200 status code
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
public class WebhookController : ControllerBase
private readonly ILogger<WebhookController> _logger;
public WebhookController(ILogger<WebhookController> logger)
_logger = logger;
public IActionResult HandleWebhook([FromBody] object eventPayload)
// Log the received event for debugging purposes
_logger.LogInformation("Webhook received: {EventPayload}", eventPayload);
// Process the eventPayload as needed
// For example, deserialize into a specific model if you know the structure:
// var myEvent = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<MyEventModel>(eventPayload.ToString());
// Respond with a 200 OK status
return Ok();
require 'sinatra'
require 'json'
# Define the webhook endpoint
post '/my/webhook/url' do
# Parse the incoming request body as JSON
request_body = request.body.read
event = JSON.parse(request_body)
# Log or process the event as needed
File.open('webhook_log.txt', 'a') do |f|
# Respond with a 200 OK status
status 200
In live mode, we’ll send webhooks every 3 minutes for the first 4 tries, then we switch to sending hourly for the next 72 hours
Example Webhook Payload
EtegramPay sends a JSON payload to your webhookURL with the following structure:
Here is a sample webhook payload for successful payment:
{ "virtualAccount": { "_id": "678106ee9f731800247859e3", "client": "65fc376405cfe30024d693df", "bankCode": "090286", "bankName": "SAFE HAVEN MICROFINANCE BANK", "accountNumber": "6010804474", "accountName": "EtegramTechLtd Checkout", "currencyCode": "NGN", "validFor": "900", "externalReference": "56cfad9f2f8d4bdbb621e5304a1fd40c", "amountControl": "Fixed", "amount": 100, "expiryDate": "2025-01-10T11:54:26.187Z", "callbackUrl": "https://api-checkout.etegram.com/api/transaction/webhook", "status": "Active" }, "projectID": "67475562c8d55ffeea8b0b34", "amount": 98.5, "fees": 1.5, "status": "successful", "type": "credit", "reference": "newReference190", "environment": "live", "phone": "09012121212", "email": "[email protected]", "fullname": "Ibrahim Remilekun", "accessCode": "56cfad9f2f8d4bdbb621e5304a1fd40c", "isReversed": false, "createdAt": "2025-01-10T11:39:14.827Z", "updatedAt": "2025-01-10T11:41:26.579Z", "channel": "bank", "id": "678106e2f34ed464668b43c5" }
Event Types
Event Type | Description |
successful | Triggered when payment is successfully completed |
failed | Triggered when a payment attempt fails. |
Example Webhook Handler
Below is an example of how to handle a webhook in an Express.js server:
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const app = express();
// Middleware to parse JSON payloads
// Webhook endpoint
app.post('/payment-webhook', (req, res) => {
const { event, transactionId, amount, currency, customerId } = req.body;
switch (event) {
case 'payment_success':
console.log(`Payment successful! Transaction ID: ${transactionId}`);
// Handle success logic here
case 'payment_failed':
console.error(`Payment failed for Customer ID: ${customerId}`);
// Handle failure logic here
case 'payment_refunded':
console.log(`Payment refunded. Transaction ID: ${transactionId}`);
// Handle refund logic here
console.warn('Unhandled event type:', event);
res.status(200).send('Webhook received');
// Start the server
const PORT = 3000;
app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`Server is running on port ${PORT}`);